To begin with, React JS is a highly popular JavaScript library that facilitates web and mobile application development. It is built by Facebook and it requires less coding and offers more functionality. Furthermore, it comes with components that are reusable and have logic and controls.

Important Components of React JS
React is a very popular JavaScript library used for web development, mobile development, and web application development. It consists of a few React JS Important Concepts that are necessary to learn to understand React JS. Given below are the significant components of React JS.
Components - This is a reusable piece of code that consists of functionality. It is useful for creating complex user interfaces for web applications.
State - This JS object is responsible for representing the current state of a component. Furthermore, react uses it to store data that can change over time.
Props - Props or Properties are useful for passing data from a parent component to a child component. This component is passed down from parent to child or even child to parent
JSX - This is a similar extension to JavaScript used by developers to write syntax like HTML. Using JSX allows developers to create React elements which act as the building blocks of React components.
Virtual DOM - This is a virtual representation of real DOM that ensures that React only updates the actual DOM with necessary changes. This approach makes this library much faster and more efficient.
Why do Companies Use React JS?
React JS is a highly popular and in-demand software tool and using it offers numerous benefits for companies. Being a highly popular JavaScript library, developers in React JS are easy to find. Java Script is the most popular programming language and it makes React JS an easy-to-learn library. There is abundant talent in React JS and therefore, it is not a big deal to find experienced developers. This library is flexible and multi-purpose and it can be used for developing a variety of applications. This technology is ideal for improving your existing UI as it doesn't require you to invest in recreating it. Many institutes provide the Best React JS Course and one can enroll in them to start a career in it. Apart from these, given below are some of the significant features of React JS.
Using React JS helps in boosting the software development process.
React JS ensures optimum performance because of its virtual DOM.
It facilitates unidirectional data flow and ensures that data flows from the parent component to the child component.
React facilitates testing and debugging and makes changes more predictable.
It is backed by Meta (Facebook) which continues to make updates in it.
React JS is built by Facebook and it requires less coding and offers more functionality. It is a very popular JavaScript library used for web development, mobile development, and web application development. React JS is a highly popular and in-demand software tool and using it offers numerous benefits for companies. and one can enroll in them to start a career in it. Using React JS helps in boosting the software development process. It ensures optimum performance because of its virtual DOM. It facilitates unidirectional data flow and ensures that data flows from the parent component to the child component. React facilitates testing and debugging and makes changes more predictable. In conclusion, it is backed by Meta (Facebook) which continues to make updates to it.